Create Items and Pages

We create items and pages with all of the page json elements we would expect of complete pages.

function id() { let rand = Math.floor(2**48*Math.random()) return rand.toString(16) }

Items and Actions are objects with type and properties, some of which are generated automatically. mdn

function item (type, props) { return Object.assign({type, id:id()}, props) } function action (type, props) { let date = return Object.assign({type, date}, props) }

A Story is made from Items or strings turned to items. A Page adds a Title and Journal to the story.

function story (items) { return => typeof each == typeof "" ? item('paragraph', {text:each}) : each ) } function page (title, items) { let page = {title, story:story(items)} let item = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(page)) page.journal = [action('create',{item})] return page }

Many pages start with an empty create action but for bulk generated pages we include most of the page as the item being created, once carefully copied.

page("Wind River", [ "A lat/lon confluence near Mt. Saint Helens.", item('map', {text:'46,-122', zoom:10}), "See Aerial Map" ]) HEIGHT 400

Adapted from similar code in the Seran Outpost. When serving pages Seran allowed async evaluation of functions as valid items for late bound content. github github