Enrichment Hierarchy

When we embed testing into wiki itself we have to give some consideration to how the behavior will be rendered in all the environments were debugging takes place.

Blue is the model tested. Green the environment that hosts the testing. Beige the testing machinery.

digraph { rankdir=TD node [shape=box style=filled fillcolor=lightblue] line; lineup; types; stream; node [fillcolor=lightgreen] deno; deploy; browser; node [fillcolor=bisque] line -> lineup -> test line -> types -> test line -> stream -> event -> test -> deno -> console deno -> itemizer -> import -> wiki test -> testctl -> browser -> frame -> wiki test -> testapp -> deploy -> frame }

This shows why we need to abstract success & failure and the way we color these results. Same with rendering every other structure including panels, panes, and the events that flow around them. It is cool that deno draws nice tables with ansi escapes, but on the web we use css.

If our tests don't run in the browser we can always suspect the browser. This is where we try the few we have loaded. But we now have the capability to compare these with deno which will be available on the command line as well as in the wiki.

See Enriched Pages for similar distinctions in the production environment where test is not involved.