Enrichment Path

We draw a path from hypertext page to more hypertext pages. We hope we can make this flow manifest in the source code and that it lasts as we add more cases.

Blue exist in the federation. Beige support browsing. Green actions change thing.

digraph { rankdir=TB node [shape=box style=filled] node [fillcolor=lightblue] sites -> pages slugs -> pages -> items items -> plugins [label=load] sites -> sitemaps node [fillcolor=bisque] origin -> context origin -> lineup -> panel -> pane pages -> context -> resolve pages -> panel [label=refresh] items -> pane [label=render] plugins -> link link -> resolve [label="canonical\ntitle"] plugins -> context sitemaps -> neighborhood resolve -> site -> page resolve -> slug -> page node [fillcolor=lightgreen] click -> link reload -> lineup reference -> page }

See Enriched Pages where we thought of this as more of a structure than a flow. Also Async Plugin Lifecycle where coding the next thing we needed where it seemed to fit lead to less than obvious structure.