Test Log

Recorded and uploaded test.log. Click items for details. Shift-hover to align with test suite.

reload first-functional-test-suite@small.fed.wiki ✔︎
  time: 2,
  type: "reload",
  origin: "small.fed.wiki",
  hash: "first-functional-test-suite@small.fed.wiki"
{ time: 537, type: "progress", panel: 432352 }
{ time: 537, type: "load", plugin: "markdown" }
{ time: 537, type: "load", plugin: "code" }
{ time: 538, type: "loaded", plugin: "markdown", queued: 0, err: undefined }
{ time: 538, type: "loaded", plugin: "code", queued: 0, err: undefined }
{ time: 539, type: "reloaded" }

run Test Link to Test Page
🀫 Test Link to Test Page

  time: 539,
  type: "reference",
  site: "small.fed.wiki",
  slug: "test-link-to-test-page",
  pid: 432352
  time: 751,
  type: "progress",
  event: "reference",
  title: "Test Link to Test Page",
  err: undefined
{ time: 751, type: "progress", panel: 710185 }
{ time: 751, type: "referenced" }

show lineup
│ (idx) │  pid   │       site       │             slug              │      where       │
│   0   │ 432352 │ "small.fed.wiki" │ "first-functional-test-suite" │ "small.fed.wiki" │
│   1   │ 710185 │ "small.fed.wiki" │   "test-link-to-test-page"    │ "small.fed.wiki" │

run selected tests

run Test Dropping Flags
🀫 Test Dropping Flags

  time: 752,
  type: "reference",
  site: "small.fed.wiki",
  slug: "test-dropping-flags",
  pid: 710185
  time: 963,
  type: "progress",
  event: "reference",
  title: "Test Dropping Flags",
  err: undefined
{ time: 963, type: "progress", panel: 945939 }
{ time: 963, type: "referenced" }

drop functional-testing@ward.dojo.fed.wiki ✔︎
  time: 964,
  type: "reference",
  site: "ward.dojo.fed.wiki",
  slug: "functional-testing",
  pid: 945939
  time: 1454,
  type: "progress",
  event: "reference",
  title: "Functional Testing",
  err: undefined
{ time: 1454, type: "progress", panel: 362100 }
{ time: 1454, type: "referenced" }
Functional Testing
│ (idx) │         id         │    type     │                     look                     │
│   0   │ "b381c069ad7baa6b" │ "paragraph" │  "A rewrite of federated wiki core javascr"  │
│   1   │ "8a21b8af6e507a4e" │ "markdown"  │                "Inspiration"                 │
│   2   │ "df6fadcc4b98877b" │ "paragraph" │  "Cucumber separated tests from ad-hoc par"  │
│   3   │ "e10020a038279e0d" │ "paragraph" │  "Swim collected widget html as batch test"  │
│   4   │ "a0c9747bbe521e40" │ "markdown"  │                  "Strategy"                  │
│   5   │ "0ad9d1c404cd3c7a" │ "paragraph" │  "We like deno on the server because it al"  │
│   6   │ "e3f6c7e34292d29e" │ "paragraph" │  "We will move module boundaries to separa"  │
│   7   │ "580ffbc28f4fa09b" │ "paragraph" │  "We propose to reimplement core javascrip"  │
│   8   │ "25f083043499ffa0" │ "markdown"  │                   "Pilot"                    │
│   9   │ "9b17c8ce2d0f64ce" │ "paragraph" │  "We have several pilot implementations st"  │
│  10   │ "0fc88599410d69f2" │ "paragraph" │  "Soon to be included in Wiki-21 is the li"  │
│  11   │ "d96b4cb5f29fdd14" │ "paragraph" │  "Run test.js server-side from small.fed.w"  │
│  12   │ "5db090bcf652d6cc" │   "code"    │ "deno run --allow-net --reload \\\n  http:/" │
│  13   │ "8fd9609ce7f4e270" │ "markdown"  │                    "ToDo"                    │
│  14   │ "d613127d7d8f2b3f" │ "paragraph" │  "Revise test.js to navigate deterministic"  │
│  15   │ "05c7a5a4c39454a6" │ "paragraph" │  "Create a Pragma plugin that can guide te"  │
│  16   │ "e5fbb971cf98dbbe" │ "paragraph" │  "Provide a script-based page json generat"  │

fail drop functional-testing@ward.dojoz.fed.wiki ✔︎
  time: 1456,
  type: "reference",
  site: "ward.dojoz.fed.wiki",
  slug: "functional-testing",
  pid: 362100
{ time: 1970, type: "progress", event: "reference", title: "Error", err: "Not Found" }
{ time: 1970, type: "progress", panel: 678408 }
{ time: 1970, type: "referenced" }
succeeds with Not Found

fail drop functional-testingz@ward.dojo.fed.wiki ✔︎
  time: 1970,
  type: "reference",
  site: "ward.dojo.fed.wiki",
  slug: "functional-testingz",
  pid: 678408
{ time: 2185, type: "progress", event: "reference", title: "Error", err: "Not Found" }
{ time: 2185, type: "progress", panel: 286225 }
{ time: 2186, type: "referenced" }
succeeds with Not Found

run Test Plugin Loading
🀫 Test Plugin Loading

  time: 2186,
  type: "reference",
  site: "small.fed.wiki",
  slug: "test-plugin-loading",
  pid: 286225
  time: 2397,
  type: "progress",
  event: "reference",
  title: "Test Plugin Loading",
  err: undefined
{ time: 2398, type: "progress", panel: 751117 }
{ time: 2398, type: "referenced" }

drop functional-testing@ward.dojo.fed.wiki ✔︎
  time: 2398,
  type: "reference",
  site: "ward.dojo.fed.wiki",
  slug: "functional-testing",
  pid: 751117
  time: 2610,
  type: "progress",
  event: "reference",
  title: "Functional Testing",
  err: undefined
{ time: 2610, type: "progress", panel: 372598 }
{ time: 2610, type: "referenced" }
Functional Testing
│ (idx) │         id         │    type     │                     look                     │
│   0   │ "b381c069ad7baa6b" │ "paragraph" │  "A rewrite of federated wiki core javascr"  │
│   1   │ "8a21b8af6e507a4e" │ "markdown"  │                "Inspiration"                 │
│   2   │ "df6fadcc4b98877b" │ "paragraph" │  "Cucumber separated tests from ad-hoc par"  │
│   3   │ "e10020a038279e0d" │ "paragraph" │  "Swim collected widget html as batch test"  │
│   4   │ "a0c9747bbe521e40" │ "markdown"  │                  "Strategy"                  │
│   5   │ "0ad9d1c404cd3c7a" │ "paragraph" │  "We like deno on the server because it al"  │
│   6   │ "e3f6c7e34292d29e" │ "paragraph" │  "We will move module boundaries to separa"  │
│   7   │ "580ffbc28f4fa09b" │ "paragraph" │  "We propose to reimplement core javascrip"  │
│   8   │ "25f083043499ffa0" │ "markdown"  │                   "Pilot"                    │
│   9   │ "9b17c8ce2d0f64ce" │ "paragraph" │  "We have several pilot implementations st"  │
│  10   │ "0fc88599410d69f2" │ "paragraph" │  "Soon to be included in Wiki-21 is the li"  │
│  11   │ "d96b4cb5f29fdd14" │ "paragraph" │  "Run test.js server-side from small.fed.w"  │
│  12   │ "5db090bcf652d6cc" │   "code"    │ "deno run --allow-net --reload \\\n  http:/" │
│  13   │ "8fd9609ce7f4e270" │ "markdown"  │                    "ToDo"                    │
│  14   │ "d613127d7d8f2b3f" │ "paragraph" │  "Revise test.js to navigate deterministic"  │
│  15   │ "05c7a5a4c39454a6" │ "paragraph" │  "Create a Pragma plugin that can guide te"  │
│  16   │ "e5fbb971cf98dbbe" │ "paragraph" │  "Provide a script-based page json generat"  │

see markdown plugin ✔︎

see code plugin ✔︎

drop sunday-pioneers@dojo.fed.wiki ✔︎
  time: 2612,
  type: "reference",
  site: "dojo.fed.wiki",
  slug: "sunday-pioneers",
  pid: 372598
  time: 3087,
  type: "progress",
  event: "reference",
  title: "Sunday Pioneers",
  err: undefined
{ time: 3087, type: "progress", panel: 365207 }
{ time: 3087, type: "load", plugin: "zones" }
  time: 3088,
  type: "loaded",
  plugin: "zones",
  queued: 0,
  err: 'Cannot resolve module "file:///Users/ward/FedWiki/wiki-21/samples/headless/plugins/wiki-client-type-...'
{ time: 3088, type: "referenced" }
Sunday Pioneers
│ (idx) │         id         │    type     │                     look                     │
│   0   │ "cf48e207a5ed9a7f" │ "paragraph" │  "We've been meeting weekly workshops on S"  │
│   1   │ "7cfe1fa55e72ac0e" │ "paragraph" │  "Dojo three digs deep into new feature an"  │
│   2   │ "f60a6a064774d64c" │   "zones"   │ "HELP Sunday Pioneers\nIN US/Pacific\nDATE " │

fail see zones plugin ✔︎
succeeds with Cannot resolve module "file:///Users/ward/FedWiki/wiki-21/samples/headless/plugins/wiki-client-type-zones.js".

run Test Link Click
🀫 Test Link Click

  time: 3089,
  type: "reference",
  site: "small.fed.wiki",
  slug: "test-link-click",
  pid: 365207
  time: 3512,
  type: "progress",
  event: "reference",
  title: "Test Link Click",
  err: undefined
{ time: 3512, type: "progress", panel: 804368 }
{ time: 3512, type: "referenced" }

click How To Wiki ✔︎
{ time: 3512, type: "click", title: "How To Wiki", pid: 804368 }
{ time: 3513, type: "progress", context: [ "small.fed.wiki", "small.fed.wiki" ] }
{ time: 3950, type: "progress", hit: 0 }
{ time: 3950, type: "progress", panel: 60294 }
{ time: 3950, type: "load", plugin: "html" }
{ time: 3951, type: "loaded", plugin: "html", queued: 3, err: undefined }
{ time: 3952, type: "clicked" }

click Field Guide to the Federation ✔︎
{ time: 3952, type: "click", title: "Field Guide to the Federation", pid: 60294 }
  time: 3952,
  type: "progress",
  context: [ "small.fed.wiki", "small.fed.wiki", "fed.wiki.org" ]
{ time: 4182, type: "progress", hit: 2 }
{ time: 4182, type: "progress", panel: 128478 }
{ time: 4182, type: "clicked" }

click You're New Here ✔︎
{ time: 4183, type: "click", title: "You're New Here", pid: 128478 }
  time: 4183,
  type: "progress",
  context: [ "small.fed.wiki", "fed.wiki.org", "hello.ward.bay.wiki.org" ]
{ time: 4416, type: "progress", hit: 2 }
{ time: 4417, type: "progress", panel: 736485 }
{ time: 4417, type: "load", plugin: "pagefold" }
{ time: 4418, type: "loaded", plugin: "pagefold", queued: 1, err: undefined }
{ time: 4418, type: "clicked" }

click About Flagmatic Plugin ✔︎
{ time: 4418, type: "click", title: "About Flagmatic Plugin", pid: 736485 }
  time: 4418,
  type: "progress",
  context: [ "small.fed.wiki", "hello.ward.bay.wiki.org" ]
{ time: 4655, type: "progress", hit: 0 }
{ time: 4655, type: "progress", panel: 292357 }
{ time: 4656, type: "load", plugin: "flagmatic" }
  time: 4656,
  type: "loaded",
  plugin: "flagmatic",
  queued: 0,
  err: 'Cannot resolve module "file:///Users/ward/FedWiki/wiki-21/samples/headless/plugins/wiki-client-type-...'
{ time: 4657, type: "clicked" }

show lineup
│ (idx) │  pid   │           site            │              slug               │           where           │
│   0   │ 432352 │     "small.fed.wiki"      │  "first-functional-test-suite"  │     "small.fed.wiki"      │
│   1   │ 710185 │     "small.fed.wiki"      │    "test-link-to-test-page"     │     "small.fed.wiki"      │
│   2   │ 945939 │     "small.fed.wiki"      │      "test-dropping-flags"      │     "small.fed.wiki"      │
│   3   │ 362100 │   "ward.dojo.fed.wiki"    │      "functional-testing"       │   "ward.dojo.fed.wiki"    │
│   4   │ 678408 │   "ward.dojoz.fed.wiki"   │      "functional-testing"       │   "ward.dojoz.fed.wiki"   │
│   5   │ 286225 │   "ward.dojo.fed.wiki"    │      "functional-testingz"      │   "ward.dojo.fed.wiki"    │
│   6   │ 751117 │     "small.fed.wiki"      │      "test-plugin-loading"      │     "small.fed.wiki"      │
│   7   │ 372598 │   "ward.dojo.fed.wiki"    │      "functional-testing"       │   "ward.dojo.fed.wiki"    │
│   8   │ 365207 │      "dojo.fed.wiki"      │        "sunday-pioneers"        │      "dojo.fed.wiki"      │
│   9   │ 804368 │     "small.fed.wiki"      │        "test-link-click"        │     "small.fed.wiki"      │
│  10   │ 60294  │     "small.fed.wiki"      │          "how-to-wiki"          │     "small.fed.wiki"      │
│  11   │ 128478 │      "fed.wiki.org"       │ "field-guide-to-the-federation" │      "fed.wiki.org"       │
│  12   │ 736485 │ "hello.ward.bay.wiki.org" │        "youre-new-here"         │ "hello.ward.bay.wiki.org" │
│  13   │ 292357 │     "small.fed.wiki"      │    "about-flagmatic-plugin"     │     "small.fed.wiki"      │

click Welcome Your Community ✔︎
{ time: 4659, type: "click", title: "Welcome Your Community", pid: 128478 }
  time: 4659,
  type: "progress",
  context: [ "small.fed.wiki", "fed.wiki.org", "hello.ward.bay.wiki.org" ]
{ time: 4879, type: "progress", hit: 2 }
{ time: 4880, type: "progress", panel: 818783 }
{ time: 4880, type: "load", plugin: "reference" }
{ time: 4881, type: "loaded", plugin: "reference", queued: 2, err: undefined }
{ time: 4881, type: "clicked" }

click flag in reference ✔︎
{ time: 4882, type: "test", pragma: "click flag", pid: 818783, id: "db1b7faf788b870a" }
  time: 5584,
  type: "progress",
  event: "reference",
  title: "Deploying a wiki",
  err: undefined
{ time: 5584, type: "progress", panel: 520992 }
{ time: 5585, type: "tested", success: true }

see synopsis lots of ways to deploy ✔︎

click title in reference ✔︎
  time: 5585,
  type: "test",
  pragma: "click title",
  pid: 818783,
  id: "db1b7faf788b870a"
  time: 5585,
  type: "progress",
  context: [ "small.fed.wiki", "hello.ward.bay.wiki.org" ]
{ time: 5799, type: "progress", hit: 0 }
{ time: 5800, type: "progress", panel: 907522 }
{ time: 5800, type: "tested", success: true }

see synopsis uninteresting page ✔︎

click Digital Ocean in reference ✔︎
  time: 5800,
  type: "test",
  pragma: "click Digital Ocean",
  pid: 818783,
  id: "db1b7faf788b870a"
  time: 5800,
  type: "progress",
  context: [ "small.fed.wiki", "ward.asia.wiki.org", "hello.ward.bay.wiki.org" ]
{ time: 6037, type: "progress", hit: 1 }
{ time: 6037, type: "progress", panel: 305788 }
{ time: 6037, type: "tested", success: true }

see synopsis simplify cloud computing ✔︎

fail click how to wiki ✔︎
succeeds with absent

fail click A Non-Existant Page ✔︎
{ time: 6038, type: "click", title: "A Non-Existant Page", pid: 804368 }
{ time: 6038, type: "progress", context: [ "small.fed.wiki", "small.fed.wiki" ] }
{ time: 6266, type: "progress", hit: -1 }
{ time: 6266, type: "progress", panel: 120084 }
{ time: 6266, type: "clicked" }
succeeds with not found where expected

run Observable Drill Down
🀫 Observable Drill Down

  time: 6267,
  type: "reference",
  site: "small.fed.wiki",
  slug: "observable-drill-down",
  pid: 120084
  time: 6687,
  type: "progress",
  event: "reference",
  title: "Observable Drill Down",
  err: undefined
{ time: 6688, type: "progress", panel: 898731 }
{ time: 6688, type: "load", plugin: "observable" }
{ time: 6689, type: "loaded", plugin: "observable", queued: 0, err: undefined }
{ time: 6690, type: "referenced" }

show 1 panel
Observable Drill Down
│ (idx) │         id         │     type     │                     look                      │
│   0   │ "7eafe9eb34a386f2" │ "paragraph"  │  "We intend to configure a Wiki-21 custom "   │
│   1   │ "e5d5f87a1a85458f" │ "paragraph"  │  "We will navigate from a standard diagram"   │
│   2   │ "80bff62a750c8fb2" │  "markdown"  │  "_Note_: the establishment of this connec"   │
│   3   │ "ecee541ebe918159" │ "paragraph"  │               "► show 1 panel"                │
│   4   │ "63724c5e5484f284" │ "paragraph"  │        "► click Culture in observable"        │
│   5   │ "9d193b0673404f6c" │ "observable" │ "Leading\nStrategy\nMarket Communications\nC" │
│   6   │ "a5647c2fc00fdd7f" │ "paragraph"  │  "Elements of the diagram are collaborativ"   │
│   7   │ "6716429c8b177cf2" │ "paragraph"  │          "► see blue in observable"           │
│   8   │ "fec3dabb8f5d828a" │ "paragraph"  │       "► fail see green in observable"        │
│   9   │ "3cb9ef41903bd709" │ "paragraph"  │         "► choose good in assessment"         │
│  10   │ "9bcd304c2e10af1f" │ "paragraph"  │          "► see green in observable"          │
│  11   │ "6d305e118419cbeb" │ "paragraph"  │  "We anticipate a Drill Down Template for "   │
│  12   │ "6e583e4de8353920" │ "paragraph"  │     "► fail click Strategy in observable"     │
│  13   │ "6ad63b09cb5691d5" │ "paragraph"  │               "► show 1 panel"                │
│  14   │ "b92fb81d8a5f8ea0" │ "paragraph"  │  "► create from Drill Down Template in fut"   │
│  15   │ "720552db702ca1fd" │ "paragraph"  │               "► show 3 panels"               │
│  16   │ "b3add71f5720f333" │ "paragraph"  │           "► see assessment plugin"           │

click Culture in observable ✔︎
  time: 6691,
  type: "test",
  pragma: "click Culture",
  pid: 898731,
  id: "9d193b0673404f6c"
{ time: 6691, type: "progress", context: [ "small.fed.wiki", "small.fed.wiki" ] }
{ time: 6915, type: "progress", hit: 0 }
{ time: 6915, type: "progress", panel: 505328 }
{ time: 6916, type: "load", plugin: "assessment" }
{ time: 6917, type: "loaded", plugin: "assessment", queued: 0, err: undefined }
{ time: 6917, type: "tested" }
succeeds with undefined

see blue in observable ✔︎
{ time: 6917, type: "test", pragma: "see blue", pid: 898731, id: "9d193b0673404f6c" }
{ time: 6918, type: "tested", success: true, details: "ok" }

fail see green in observable ✔︎
{ time: 6918, type: "test", pragma: "see green", pid: 898731, id: "9d193b0673404f6c" }
{ time: 6918, type: "tested", success: false, details: "absent" }
succeeds with absent

choose good in assessment ✔︎
  time: 6918,
  type: "test",
  pragma: "choose good",
  pid: 505328,
  id: "bff94a667bbc66c2"
{ time: 6919, type: "tested", success: true }

see green in observable ✔︎
{ time: 6919, type: "test", pragma: "see green", pid: 898731, id: "9d193b0673404f6c" }
{ time: 6919, type: "tested", success: true, details: "ok" }

fail click Strategy in observable ✔︎
  time: 6919,
  type: "test",
  pragma: "click Strategy",
  pid: 898731,
  id: "9d193b0673404f6c"
{ time: 6919, type: "progress", context: [ "small.fed.wiki", "small.fed.wiki" ] }
{ time: 7141, type: "progress", hit: -1 }
{ time: 7141, type: "progress", panel: 487924 }
{ time: 7141, type: "tested" }
succeeds with undefined

show 1 panel
│ (idx) │    id     │    type     │                    look                    │
│   0   │ undefined │ "paragraph" │ "We can't find this page in the expected " │

create from Drill Down Template in future
fails with absent

show 3 panels
A Non-Existant Page
│ (idx) │    id     │    type     │                    look                    │
│   0   │ undefined │ "paragraph" │ "We can't find this page in the expected " │
Observable Drill Down
│ (idx) │         id         │     type     │                     look                      │
│   0   │ "7eafe9eb34a386f2" │ "paragraph"  │  "We intend to configure a Wiki-21 custom "   │
│   1   │ "e5d5f87a1a85458f" │ "paragraph"  │  "We will navigate from a standard diagram"   │
│   2   │ "80bff62a750c8fb2" │  "markdown"  │  "_Note_: the establishment of this connec"   │
│   3   │ "ecee541ebe918159" │ "paragraph"  │               "► show 1 panel"                │
│   4   │ "63724c5e5484f284" │ "paragraph"  │        "► click Culture in observable"        │
│   5   │ "9d193b0673404f6c" │ "observable" │ "Leading\nStrategy\nMarket Communications\nC" │
│   6   │ "a5647c2fc00fdd7f" │ "paragraph"  │  "Elements of the diagram are collaborativ"   │
│   7   │ "6716429c8b177cf2" │ "paragraph"  │          "► see blue in observable"           │
│   8   │ "fec3dabb8f5d828a" │ "paragraph"  │       "► fail see green in observable"        │
│   9   │ "3cb9ef41903bd709" │ "paragraph"  │         "► choose good in assessment"         │
│  10   │ "9bcd304c2e10af1f" │ "paragraph"  │          "► see green in observable"          │
│  11   │ "6d305e118419cbeb" │ "paragraph"  │  "We anticipate a Drill Down Template for "   │
│  12   │ "6e583e4de8353920" │ "paragraph"  │     "► fail click Strategy in observable"     │
│  13   │ "6ad63b09cb5691d5" │ "paragraph"  │               "► show 1 panel"                │
│  14   │ "b92fb81d8a5f8ea0" │ "paragraph"  │  "► create from Drill Down Template in fut"   │
│  15   │ "720552db702ca1fd" │ "paragraph"  │               "► show 3 panels"               │
│  16   │ "b3add71f5720f333" │ "paragraph"  │           "► see assessment plugin"           │
│ (idx) │    id     │    type     │                    look                    │
│   0   │ undefined │ "paragraph" │ "We can't find this page in the expected " │

see assessment plugin
fails with absent

show plugins
  markdown: Module { bind: [Function: bind], emit: [Function: emit] },
  code: Module { bind: [Function: bind], emit: [Function: emit] },
  zones: {
    err: 'Cannot resolve module "file:///Users/ward/FedWiki/wiki-21/samples/headless/plugins/wiki-client-type-...',
    emit: [Function: emit]
  html: Module { bind: [Function: bind], emit: [Function: emit] },
  pagefold: Module { bind: [Function: bind], emit: [Function: emit] },
  flagmatic: {
    err: 'Cannot resolve module "file:///Users/ward/FedWiki/wiki-21/samples/headless/plugins/wiki-client-type-...',
    emit: [Function: emit]
  reference: Module { bind: [Function: bind], emit: [Function: emit], test: [AsyncFunction: test] },
  observable: Module { bind: [Function: bind], emit: [Function: emit], test: [AsyncFunction: test] },
  assessment: Module { bind: [Function: bind], emit: [Function: emit], test: [Function: test] }