Start Module

The start.js script starts the server, awaits requests, enriches them with configuration details, then passes these to the dispatch(req) entry of the host. github

Used by the deno command line.

deno run --allow-net --allow-read start.js

Uses Deno Standard Server to listen for web requests then passes them to the Host Module to be answered.

DOT FROM module-diagram STATIC strict digraph { rankdir=LR node [shape=box style=filled fillcolor=gold] "Start Module" node [fillcolor=lightgreen] "Start Module" -> "Deno Standard Server" "Start Module" -> "Host Module"}

Start.js will be modified or replaced to configure a production version of the host.

● The version of deno server to be used.

● The port to be used for requests.

● The directory for application modules, typically ./

● The directory for farm site files, typically ~/.wiki

● The information to be logged with each request.

See Custom Start Modules for useful variations.